Saturday, October 23, 2010

It has been a great season

The mara is now set for a lean season both in terms of visitors population and animals concentration. The wildebeests are now heading back into northern Serengeti after what we considered a great migration season. There two things that happened around teh migration this year; one was the early arrival fo the wildebeests in June, this was unusaul compaerd to the recent years. The other thing was mass drowning. There were so man,y deaed wildebeests this year, that died from drowning. I noted that they tried crossing in some unusual place i.e. upstream from Cul de sac crossing on the Mara river. The bank of the river at this particular spot was so high they could not climb out on the second side, resulting in mass deaths from trampling on each other. It happened mainly when the animals were crossing over to the west side from paradise crossing. The crossings this year too, were great. You can refer to my earlier post for pictures taken at these crossings which marked teh highlight of the migration.

All the lion prides in the Mara have enjoyed a peak feeding season. There were kills almost every day. I followed the marsh pride of lions around musiara, while with the BBC filming crew, for one month and at one point saw four kills from the same position. It all happened around our filming car at night and we were able to catch some action on infrared camera. The Mogoro pride on teh Mara triangle at one time killed 19 wildebeests in a a few days. They had position them sleves at the crossings and would wait for crossing animals which provided them with easy prey.

I have had a great season too with the leopards on the Talek. I spent time with Olive and her two males cubs. I aslo saw the Rhino ridge male and Binti. Olive who has been heavily pregnant is thought to have given birth, but i will confirm full once the cubs have been sighted. There is the cheetah with her 6 young cubs now along the Talek river, i have seen her dangerously walking her tiny cubs past a pride of lions. I hope she manages to bring the cubs up successfully.

Update of sightings in the Mara the past 2 months
 This year we saw the highest concentration of wildebeest especially at the marsh
 There were many frustrating moments at the crossing waiting for the animals
Big storms were a commons feature in the afternoons, unusual for september

With the BBC filming crew and presenter Jonathan scot after a ballooon ride

The female cheetah of 6, playing with them
Many photographic opportunties

I spent one month with the marsh pride: here White eye with the some of teh pride females 

Romeo puts up a show for one of the pride females

Once in a while there were great morning

Many Serval cat sighitngs

The 6 cheetah cubs have been amazing!

Notch and sons ( Photo by JP)

Olive's male cub Pacha

Had bit of night scenes

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