Monday, July 3, 2023

Delay in the annual wildebeest migration into Masai Mara

 The annual wildebeests migration from Serengeti into Masai Mara National reserve has delayed this year. This is due to the heavy rains we had earlier in the year, that ensured availability of water and pasture in Serengeti. Last year, the migration started almost a month earlier. There is plenty of grass this time round as compared to the same period last year. 

On my safari in Serengeti few days ago, i observed both from the air and on ground that most of the herds are still in the Western corridor. But from eh air, i could see long lines heading east from the current location. I encountered thousands towards Kirawira and on Musabi plains and around Nyasirori, and Grumeti game reserve. So many were crossing the Grumeti river from South to North.

The movement out of these places is taking a two-front heading. Right now most of the north bound herds are near Ikoma gate while the east bound herds are by Four Seasons, with some, mostly Zebras now getting into Lobo area. I think this will be the first herds to cross into Masai as usual between Koga and Naima Lumbwa Hills. However, this might not be fast movement since there is still plenty of pasture along the way. Even if we get some of the first scouts into Masai Mara, it will not be the usual numbers. What has happened is not unusual since the same thing happened 5 years.

Map of Serengeti showing the current location and direction of movement

Hundreds heading North near Soroi Camp

Big herds heading to Grumeti river crossing

Charging to the river

Crossing Grumeti River. The river at this point is quite low.

The herds were moving fast heading North from Kirawira

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